Enaro 2014

Enaro 2014

zondag 9 oktober 2011

Unfortunately I have a return flight

A conclusion could be: I’m happy to be born outside of Norway. This way I could see and meet the country from another perspective. If not, I would probably have adopted the Norwegian way of thinking, almost without questioning it. Now, if I’m honest with myself I still pretty much do. I guess my personality fits with the way this society is organized. Or at least, I’d like to think so. The strong emphasis on inclusion and the efforts being done to create welfare for every citizen, also towards the newcomers, is admirable. The state has a strong but also leading impact at every level of society. But there is some kind of paradox in the effort of giving room to all kinds of development and new ideas at the one hand and at the other hand making sure you’re still in control. It feels like thinking out of the box but still respecting the framework.
Or going wild but still being sober…

Nevertheless, it had been great. Looking forward to the Enaro congress in Czech Republic in November.

Thanks a lot to all of you for the interesting encounters!

I’ll be back ;-)


Ps: Yesterday I visited Preikestolen: 600 meters above the fjords. I guess this could be the most impressive and beautiful place on earth.

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