Enaro 2014

Enaro 2014

vrijdag 7 oktober 2011

the return in France

When people decide to return, they receive a material assistance on departure: that includes payment of the travelling cost from the town of departure in France to the town of arrival in the home country, the cost of 40 kg excess baggage per adults and 10 kg per minor child and the cost of obtaining travel documents. They also help you to close your bank account, they orientate you to organization for migration, etc.
They also receive financial assistance: the amount of the financial assistance varies depending on your residence status. It can come to 2000 euros per adult, 3500 euros for a married couple and 1000 euros per minor child up to the third child and 500 euros per child after the third.
In addition to the repatriation grant described above, if you wish to set up an enterprise in your own country, you may also benefit from a grant from the OFII to set up a revenu-generating economic activity.
This grant, paid in the repatriation country by organisations approved by OFII, includes a grant for developing and setting up your economic project as well as a grant for starting up the project. This can be up to a maximum of 7000 euros.
This enterprise creation grant presently concerns the following countries: Armenia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Guinea, Georgia, Mali, Moldavia, Romania, Senegal and Ukraine. This list is not definitive.

Accessibility to return program

This help is for people who have had a real migratory path in France (2 years minimum). They have to prove that they have applied for a residence permit, that they demand has been rejected and that they have beneficiate of the AME (aide médicale de l’état) for several years. AME gives healthcares to the foreigners who live in France since more than 3 months if they have an irregular situation (no residence permit).

Et voilà... je finis ce blog avec une petite photo de notre dernier passage à l'OFII.

Bonne soirée!

Ma collègue Franciska, Serge un élève avocat à l'OFII qui nous a accompagné lors de certaines visites et Caroline notre contact à Paris

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