Enaro 2014

Enaro 2014

vrijdag 16 mei 2014

kick off meeting enaro praag 16/05/2014

Today, all candidates met at the museum of policie in Prague for the kick off of the enaro spring programme about the detection of vulnerable groups in the member states of the european union (schengen region).

It was quite stunning to see how many differences there were between countries regarding national laws. Every country seems to be working with and around the detection of vulnerable groups, yet, practically, there seem to be huge discrepancies.

Today was an interesting opener of the exchange programme and i am looking forward to my visit to malta. I
I already collected some interesting points of view and i am looking to broad my horizons a little bit more :-)

best regards
steven smits
fedasil belgium

ps : leaving prague in the early morning but leaving you with this picture :-)

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